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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Barbershop Talk Courtesy Of Mos Def

Uhm....a few words on this in a few hours. But can't Bill Maher get an informed guest next time? I like Mos Def as a actor/musician but not so much for deep political discourse. Again, I'll pontificate in a few....

Alrighty then....I'm back for a brief rant. I would never say that Mos Def isn't talented. Actually his immense talent is a tour de force of sorts. He appears to be able to walk the tightrope of possessing respectable acting ability and the adroit lyric prowess of a good hip hop musician. But a cogent political spokesman? I don't think so. But he does possess the necessary melanin content to be on a talk show as the popular Black dude that the Real Time producers required. Mos Def is certainly entitled to his opinion but I grow weary of television outlets like Maher's show providing exposure to the conscious rapper/entertainer/minstrel with the most definite politically progressive cred archetype and not the person of color cut from an alternate cloth. Hey, why bother.....we all think alike.....NOT! But I must confess that I like Mos Def when he waxes on the artist formerly known as Zev Love X or helps Dr. Cosby solve a mystery but I would suggest that he abstain from political diatribes-I'm just sayin'.

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