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Thursday, March 19, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes.......A Conservative Message Thanks To Jonathan Krohn!

Am I hallucinating or is this young man a better representative (certainly more articulate) for the conservative movement than the vaunted Sarah Palin? I have no problems with precocious young folk as long as they make sense and young master Krohn appears to have it! What I do not like is the small mindedness that is coming from the progressives who believe that Krohn is a victim of a form of child abuse or that he is a Republican parrot being duped by overzealous parents. Would these criticisms be levied against him if he were spouting a leftist message? First off, I can appreciate a young person who can actually speak, irrespective of his political bent. My main concern now is.....where is the young male or female conservative color who could (and should be) be the contemporary of Krohn? The difference between Krohn and Palin is that after their respective debut speeches (Palin at last year's Republican convention and Krohn at CPAC), Krohn actually appears to have the savvy (and a knowledge base) that Palin did not. And what is even more troubling is that I suspect that this young man would have fared better against Katie Couric than Palin. I may just pick up his book, Define Conservatism-talk about a kid on the move. Here's his website:

Jonathan Krohn's Define Conservatism

And lastly, this lad may also serve as an excellent spokesperson for the home schooled......makes one go, hmmmmm.

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