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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bravo Judge Arrington, Bravo! He has More to say... and Don't forget Afronerd Radio Thurs at 9pm eastern!

Well it's safe to assume that I will be talking about Judge Arrington's bravery on Afronerd Radio tomorrow. Hat tip to Sergio of the BloodSport blog for informing me of this video, however it is unfortunate that the Judge did a little bit of the capitulation shuffle once news of his actions reached public consciousness. I must also give kudos to our resident commenter, "Al from Bayshore" (L.I.) for using the "critical mass" description that I too have often used. And critical mass is exactly what this situation entails. As time moves on, and folks of color grow weary of being connected to other African-Americans that could care less about honor, solidarity and respect for life, we will continue to witness outbursts of indignation by those who have just had enough. The PC police will be confronted for being enablers in addition to those within the dysfunctional sect. But let's mix it up tomorrow by analyzing Arrington's stance, Condi Rice's comments, my NPR appearance and my thoughts on Koreans sporting Afros (ya heard correctly). Stop by on Thursday at 9pm eastern-feel free to call-in with your comments and questions at 646-915-9620 or via email/Im-afronerdradio@yahoo.


But I will admit that I thought Victoria Principal in 1974's Earthquake was quite sexy sporting her fro'. Perhaps Ms. Principal (who is of part Japanese extraction) should get credit for starting the trend.

And of course for a replay of the Bloggers Roundtable broadcast in question, click below:

Bloggers' Roundtable: What's in a Name? Part II

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