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Monday, September 14, 2009

Let's Try To Talk & See What Happens.......A Very Special Letter to the Editor, Courtesy of Black Enterprise.

As promised, we had a pretty fiery Afronerd Radio broadcast last night, thanks to Mr. Starks' recitation of a letter he discovered while perusing the June issue of Black Enterprise. Under normal circumstances, I'm not for reasoning with persons who I perceive to possess a racial animus toward minorities but every once in awhile, I will volunteer to be a glutton for punishment. The letter in question, written by a Mr. J. Havell, essentially denotes his dismay with Black media's love affair with the Obama administration and their failure to sufficiently critique this nation's first POTUS of color. But let's take a look at the letter, courtesy of BE magazine:

Obama overdose.

AFTER REVIEWING THIS MONTH'S continued worship of President Obama I could not help but think how the nation would react to a magazine tided WHITE Enterprise or WHITE television network or WHITE appreciation month? With whites becoming a minority in our country and most mainstream sports being dominated by black athletes, does this make sense to help make division? Old excuses of white domination on TV or whatever has been long over. We are more mixed and more of a melting pot than ever. Please let us not forget that our president was raised by his WHITE mother and basically had a sperm donor from a typical dead-beat black father.

Are all of your issues going to be constantly praising our president? Or are you going to give him as much criticism as you would George Bush? Praise should be given when results are seen and criticism should be given to get results. Is BLACK ENTERPRISE going to continue the black media frenzy that seems to give the president a pass just because he is black? We all remember Mayor David Dinkins of New York and what a terrible job he did. It is horrifying to think of history repeating itself. I'm just curious and concerned.

J. Havell

The letter (IMO) possess the typical non sequiturs, racial paranoia and inaccuracies but I did send a letter to Mr. Havell inviting him to air his views on a future Afronerd broadcast. Perhaps he will partake in a respectful conversation allowing him the courtesy of clarification and completion. Will he admit to the inaccuracies and tribal allusions? Let's wait and see.....

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