Although I have never really explored my interest for sci-fi on Afronerd, it appears that I must, as science-fiction is quickly becoming science-fact. This is becoming more evident based on some fascinating new developments occurring out of Japan (to the chagrin, I suspect, of Westerners) in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence. During my formative educational years, in between Marvel and DC I did manage to read my fair share of Huxley, Asimov and Bradbury and trust me, AI is coming. You think the current political landscape affirms treacherous exploration-wait until humans attempt to marry an object (can an android be considered an object, if sentience is the goal). I kid you guys not! I just happened to come across a book (courtesy of a Howard Stern recommendation) entitled, Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships
Meet Disney's Lucky-
A Bike riding android-
And a horny Japanese invention-
And then there's the boogaloo-
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