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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My thoughts on Immigration.....

Funny how the issue of illegal immigration just suddenly popped up. God forbid that this is an election year(oops did I say that out loud?) and the U.S. continues to lose soldiers and Iraqi citizens to weekly bombings. But at the same token, I do have a problem with the recently held demonstrations and protests galvanizing illegals
demanding rights as if they were full-fledged American citizens. I think that if I took a transatlantic flight to France today, and then seconds later upon my arrival demanded full privileges akin to a French citizen, I might have a problem on my hands. This is not to dismiss the immigrants (those of the past, present or future) that contributed greatly to America's success, but what about parity and respect for American citizens, native or naturalized? I recently heard a radio interview with former conservative Presidential candidate and now Reformist, Pat Buchanan in which he stated that if more corporate CEOs were forced to do the "perp walk" for hiring illegal immigrants much of this issue would dissipate. Although I am not a Buchanan fan, I wholeheartedly agree with his assertion. America's slave past is a testament to this nation's thirst for cheap (if not free) labor. Let's not forget the outsourcing phenomenon either. Don't get mad at the Indian gentleman that is helping you with your IT problems when your PC is on the fritz. Get mad at his employer...oops you might just be calling your boss.

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