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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The difference between Britney and Shaniqua?.......Oh Not Much

I hate to admit it but the recent Britney Spears faux pas has been nagging at my brain the entire day. Who would have thought that I would be discussing Spears here at Afronerd....but the beauty of this site is that anything can (and will) be analyzed. If you were not aware of this story, the above picture speaks for itself. This is the third time of record that Spears has put her child in needless danger. Driving an open air vehicle and using a grotesquely inappropriate carseat appear to be just a day in the life for young Ms. Spears. But what must be really scrutinized, is how despite the pop star's financial portfolio, her social status still remains intact. In other words, her conduct could easily be juxtaposed with the Shaniquas of the world. What am I saying you ask. Very rarely is social class analyzed in the White world to the same degree as the Black and Brown underclass. Britney will get a pass but oftentimes the same behavior exhibited by a lower class minority is perceived differently despite the only difference being melanin. I am currently reading Black Rednecks and White Liberals, written by noted Black conservative, Thomas Sowell. It is Mr. Sowell's supposition that what is currently attributed as Black ghetto behavior actually has its origins dating back to the antebellum South (and beyond...can anyone speak cockney?). Much of the lawlessness, out of wedlock births and general criminal behavior was very much a lower class White aesthetic, way before any endemic notions were hoisted upon Black folk. This is a very important book to add to your library and I suspect will give the reader at least an explanation as to one of the reasons for behavior justly (or unjustly) seen as a Black thing. So next time you see Britney, remember that ignorance is only skin deep. For more information regarding the Spears story, just click the link below:

  • http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=entertainment&id=4179298
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