Welcome to Afronerd!
A new and needed web sanctuary for people of color with intellectual and artistic pursuits. In this blog we will be addressing interesting and varied subjects, i.e. current national/world affairs, culture, science, religion, politics, entertainment and literature(including graphic novels a/k/a comic books.....yes comics). We hope you enjoy the exchange of ideas.
Peace & Godspeed.
Welcome to Afronerd! A new and needed web sanctuary for people of color with intellectual and artistic pursuits. In this blog we will be addressing interesting and varied subjects, i.e. current national/world affairs, culture, science, religion, politics, entertainment and literature(including graphic novels a/k/a comic books.....yes comics). We hope you enjoy the exchange of ideas. Peace & Godspeed
Well here we go again...it's that time! Tune in tonight at 7pm (eastern) for another episode of Afronerd Radio when we interview author, Ytasha Womack pertaining to her latest literary effort, Post Black: How a New Generation Is Redefining African American Identity and award winning blogger and self described Black Rock Evangelist, Rob Fields as they discuss the concept of an alternative Black cultural standard. How can Blackness be defined (or RE-defined) in the 21st century. This is NOT the show to miss! Feel free to call in for questions and comments at-646-915-9620 or via email/IM-afronerdradio@yahoo.com. See you at 7!
It's that time again faithful listeners/readers! The Comic Shoppe opens for business and frank pulp discussion this Tuesday at 7pm eastern. Join Max, Daryll and yours truly as we shed sci-fi/comic book/fantasy light on the following issues: TV.com's take on the best and worst comic book to television adaptations; are we seeing a resurgence in Asian stereotyping in comics? Perhaps the recent Mr. Negative crime lord storyline in Amazing Spiderman?; the return of one of my favorite graphic novel writers, J. Michael Straczynski, as chronicled by Newsarama; our independent comic book recommendations and lastly, our favorite graphic novel reads from the previous week. So stop by for a chit chat and/or join our discussion at-646-200-0104 or via email/IM-thecomicshoppe@yahoo.com. And remember...Imperius Rex, folks!
And now the latest in pulp fiction news, courtesy of the Comic Shoppe's Daryll B:
Sorry for being away for so long Afronerd readers/followers. The combination of snow, school, the pesky thing called the Winter Olympics have combined to form a perfect storm in which I couldn't think too straight about the worlds of sci-fi to form a coherent blog in a timely fashion. This however, does not mean that I did not keep an eye on things comic and sci fi related. I have 10 quick hits for you folks if you are interested:
1. I stand by what I said on the ComicShoppe about Captain America #602. I did not see anything wrong with the context or the environment in which "Tea Party" was used. ESPECIALLY since the sign in question was taken from a real life sign. (seen here http://reason.com/assets/mc/_ATTIC/ngillespie2/teabagthedems.jpg) I was more angry that Marvel n the whole, chose to cave in to the perceived pressure instead of standing by their work.
3. Hands up if you agree with me that Lost has lost you with the first couple of episodes of this final season. And to piggyback on this point, can you remember a show that constantly botches its momentum like Smallville does? JSA and Zatanna build up a momentum just to have "pink kryptonite dusted chocolate candy" derail it. No I am not exaggerating about that. The only thing about last week's show that was redeeming what the Chloe / Tess confrontation, and even by then the mystery had fallen flat because of revelations that the audience already have gotten this season. You folks know me when it comes to continuity and superheroes' personality so answer me this: What Superman do you know heat visions a double skyscraper in the middle of a crowded city and makes NO effort to get bystanders out of the way? BTW, this WASN'T because of the kryptonite, he did it WILLINGLY.
4. No worries all, I still have not changed my mind on the utter mess that both Blackest Night and Siege have been as company wide crossovers.
5. OK so now DC Comics are going to be run by Dan DiDio, Geoff Johns, and Jim Lee. Um, where is the news in this? From the last couple of years, I thought they were ALREADY running the company. 2 years ago, the fanboy in me would be overjoyed at this. Now the cynic in me says prove to me that you can do better.
7. I know it is not science fiction but Tiger Woods is the worst acting cylon I have ever seen. Where's his emotion chip? Data showed more emotion on the Star Trek The Next Generation than this dude.
8. To keep my sense of sardonic humor going, check this list out:
9. I know Max will disagree with me on this but the impact of Hercules situation was ruined to me by Marvel mass solicitations once again. I saw it, I read it, but any true emotional impact is gone. It did not hit me like what Sentry did to Ares in Siege because all shock, anger, sadness, whatever was gone.
10. After reading Dark Avengers I came to the realization that the Marvel Universe Version of me is probably dead 10 times over by now. No way would I live through all the stuff that has happened to New York over the years. I wonder how Willie Lumpkin and anyone in the Spidey Universe does it?
Thanks for reading all and until next time, keep fantasizing!
Next week we will definitely be back on the regular Sunday schedule, but we will be broadcasting tomorrow (7pm ET) to discuss and analyze the following: Tiger Woods' public apology aired this past Friday (who was he really apologizing to and was it necessary?); how some media outlets (both Black and White) appear to be making parodies out of Black History Month as opposed to disseminating information and lastly, while perusing the cyber halls of the Field Negro blog last week, FN posed an open question to his White readers regarding yet another White college ghetto/minstrel themed frat party -here's an excerpt as it relates to his question:
So here is my question to white folks reading this: (Honest answer please)
When you see a black man in a Hickey Freeman suit, starched white shirt, wingtips, a very nice silk-tie, and a brief case walking down the street, are you thinking...well let me give you a quote from the flyer at UCSD:
"For guys: I expect all males to be rockin Jersey's, stuntin' up in ya White T (XXXL smallest size acceptable), anything FUBU, Ecko, Rockawear, High/low top Jordans or Dunks, Chains, Jorts, stunner shades, 59 50 hats, Tats, etc....We will be serving 40's, Kegs of Natty, dat Purple Drank- which consists of sugar, water, and the color purple , chicken, coolade, and of course Watermelon. So come one and come all, make ya self before we break ya self, keep strapped, get yo shine on, and join us for a day party to be remembered- or not..."
.....so is that what you are thinking when you see the black man in my hypothet? Is your imagery of black folks so messed up that this is the only way you can identify with something having to do with Black History Month?
So for tomorrow's show let's flesh out the question and answer and for a visual, check out where your higher education dollars are going:
And click on the link below for the Field Negro blog entry in its entirety:
Oh and one more thing, since it is BHM and this weekend marks the anniversary of Malcolm X's assassination, check out this rare interview unearthed by the good folks at WNYC Radio, circa 1960. As expected it's quite prescient pertaining to Black issues, circa 2010:
The above video really does not require an extended caption or an op-ed dipped in extreme verbosity. Just as your auto may need a tune up every once in awhile, so did the "gentleman" with the braids. This was a one to grow on moment for the younger man....don't "sleep" on the elderly-simply beautiful. Comments?
As expected, I put a bit too much on my plate yesterday, so we will be broadcasting an addendum/par deux Afronerd Radio show tonight at 7pm eastern. The topics to be discussed: a few more words on John Mayer; Sarah Palin's "professorial" pejorative remarks being aimed at President Obama; the connection between Palin and the decline in Black student enrollment in prestigious NYC school; gangbangers shoot two youths while they were attending a Richmond, CA church and finally why Avatar may be more about race and the retelling of Tarzan than technological advancement. It's part 2 special folks....join us by calling in with your comments and questions at 646-915-9620 or via email/IM-afronerdradio@yahoo.com. See you soon.
Oh, and don't forget about tomorrow's Comic Shoppe show....here's a preview:
Join Daryll, Max and Dburt tomorrow at 7pm eastern as they discuss the following: an analysis of the new Justice League-Crisis on Two Earths DVD; Valentine's Day (the movie) outshines The Wolfman-66.8m to 36.4m this past weekend; the return of the Green Hornet thanks to Matt Wagner and Kevin Smith, respectively; Are Captain America and Marvel Un-American? James Hudnell of Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood blog thinks so and if time permits, an analysis of our favorite graphic novel reads from the previous week. And speaking of the Justice League:
Okay folks, the Superbowl is over, my hometown Jets didn't make it and therefore I really didn't have a stake in this years contest albeit, I tangentially approve of this year's winners-The Saints! But let's get to the matters at hand...tune in this evening at 7pm eastern for another fiery edition of Afronerd Radio as we discuss the following: John Mayer's racially confused and insensitive remarks from Playboy magazine; Japanese snowboarder, Kazuhiro Kokubo, gets reprimanded (and rightfully so....) by Olympic officials for wearing street gear while representing his native country; the connection between Sarah Palin's tea party comments and the decline in the numbers of Black students in elite NYC public schools; revisiting Chris Matthews' "I almost forgot Obama was Black" comments during the president's SOTU address and if time permits, I would like to bring further analysis to the racial criticisms levied toward the Avatar film. So stop by with your questions, comments and protestations by calling us live at-646-915-9620 or via email/IM-afronerdradio@yahoo.com. Imperius rex, folks!
I really detest delving into salacious, Mediatakeout oriented gossip fare but I think this latest racial dust up speaks to a larger issue. It appears that for the last few hours, several statements that were made by blues-pop guitarist, John Mayer have caused quite a bit of controversy among the cyber crowd. And this occurs in the midst of Black History month, no less. To be more specific, in this month's Playboy magazine, Mayer pontificates on the following: 1) Black people love him; 2) his struggle is similar to that of a black man's and 3) his nether region is "prejudicial" when it comes to Black women. If you haven't guessed, I am paraphrasing what was actually said. For further clarification, check out this snippet, courtesy of well, Playboy:
PLAYBOY: If you didn’t know you, would you think you’re a douche bag?
MAYER: It depends on what I picked up. My two biggest hits are “Your Body Is a Wonderland” and “Daughters.” If you think those songs are pandering, then you’ll think I’m a douche bag. It’s like I come on very strong. I am a very…I’m just very. V-E-R-Y. And if you can’t handle very, then I’m a douche bag. But I think the world needs a little very. That’s why black people love me.
PLAYBOY: Because you’re very?
MAYER: Someone asked me the other day, “What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?” And by the way, it’s sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, “I can’t really have a hood pass. I’ve never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, ‘We’re full.’"
PLAYBOY: It is true; a lot of rappers love you. You recorded with Common and Kanye West, played live with Jay-Z.
MAYER: What is being black? It’s making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that’s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you’ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s.
PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you?
MAYER: I don’t think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick.
PLAYBOY: Let’s put some names out there. Let’s get specific.
MAYER: I always thought Holly Robinson Peete was gorgeous. Every white dude loved Hilary from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And Kerry Washington. She’s superhot, and she’s also white-girl crazy. Kerry Washington would break your heart like a white girl. Just all of a sudden she’d be like, “Yeah, I sucked his dick. Whatever.” And you’d be like, “What? We weren’t talking about that.” That’s what “Heartbreak Warfare” is all about, when a girl uses jealousy as a tactic.
I really want to keep this brief. I have been criticized by some who visit Afronerd that I do not speak harshly enough when it comes to racial matters. It gets even more complicated when your blog espouses moderate conservatism, nerd culture and Bill Cosby-isms. The funny thing is.....that I really do liken much of the Afronerd mantra to some of the tenets propagated by the nation of Islam, Malcolm X specifically. When do we stop caring about White cultural standards and start dealing with the necessary corrections that are needed in communities of color to move forward? I actually am a fan of Mayer's music and even questioned why certain musical idioms within the Black cultural tradition can't get airplay on Black Radio-irrespective of the artist's nationality. But at the same time, I'm not shocked that a White artist (again, doing essentially Black music) said something off color and racist. As much as I shy away from abject tribalism, perhaps this time-as a collective, Black folks should seek correction and excellence while ignoring for lack of a better term, "white noise." Check out the Merriam-Webster's definition of white noise:
Main Entry: white noise Function: noun Date: 1943
1 a : a heterogeneous mixture of sound waves extending over a wide frequency range — compare pink noise b : a constant background noise; especially : one that drowns out other sounds 2 : meaningless or distracting commotion, hubbub, or chatter
I figured out a long time ago (thanks to my parents and a scoop of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) that there really was (and is) a grand lie perpetrated against folks of color, especially when it comes to matters of inferiority, intelligence and beauty standards. Our dysfunctionalism comes in when we start to believe the lie. I'm sure Mayer will explain himself......maybe he meant something else...but I don't have the time to figure out one's malapropisms. Listen to Malcolm, he compartmentalized this foolishness 40 plus years ago:
I finally got around to upgrading my cell phone and I chose the app friendly Verizon Droid. One of my favorite applications is the Shazam service which allows one to use the phone's mike to identify songs. Low and behold, during the game, I heard the above James Brown inspired tune during a Kia Sorento commercial and Shazam!....retrieved the correct info. Check out some additional rock funk from The Heavy:
First up, check out the above treat courtesy of Marvel Animation, John Romita, Jr and Reginald Hudlin. Enjoy it while you can. Secondly, there's the preview that I promised....well, as the title of this entry entails, The Comic Shoppe team will bring pulp cultural analysis to the following: now the latest news is that the Invaders (Sub-Mariner, The Original Human Torch and Union Jack, etc) will make a significant cameo in next year's First Avenger: Captain America film; Smallville captures respectable Friday ratings with the airing of the JSA inspired Absolute Justice episode; Marvel's warped version of Superman does the unthinkable in the latest Siege event storyline; more on Avatar as a cinematic game changer (or not...think Tarzan in the 21st century, again) and lastly or favorite graphic novel picks from the previous week. Don't forget to tune in to hear our latest broadcast this Tuesday at 7pm eastern. Feel free to call in with your comments and questions at 646-200-0104 or via email/IM-thecomicshoppe@yahoo.com. But while you wait for the show, check out Smallville's Absolute Justice:
In the spirit of full disclosure, I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with the esteemed Dr. John McWhorter (of the conservative Manhattan Institute think tank) right before then Senator Obama won the presidential election. Although McWhorter is a self-described liberal/centrist, he also unabashedly possesses a conservative bent in his writings and socio-political discourse. For the most part, there is very little that I have encountered in his books and op-ed pieces that I disagree with, except on this rare occasion stemming from a recent New Republic blog entry entitled, Did "African American" History Really Happen in Atlanta, Cleveland, Philly, and Detroit? Listening to the Census. And like most issues discussed in the blogosphere, McWhorter's article was subject to further analysis, courtesy of a New York Times blog entry entitled, Rethinking African-American. Check out this snippet from the McWhorter piece, which was also flagged by the aforementioned Times blogger:
A possible objection, I imagine, is that native-born blacks are African in a “different” way than actual African immigrants–but this would be a feint rather than an argument: clearly, the proper formulation, if we are to put it on the table, is that native-born blacks are African to a much lesser extent than African immigrants. In truth, a black man from Jacksonville has more in common with a white one from Tucson than he does with a man three years out of Senegal.
And I would argue that native-born blacks are so vastly less “African” than actual Africans that calling ourselves “African American” is not only illogical but almost disrespectful to African immigrants.
I would agree in part with Dr. McWhorter's assertion that there is a definite cultural ignorance or disconnect many Black Americans have with the Dark Continent but that alone should not deter Black folk from using the term "African-American" in matters of self-identity. Keeping my argument succinct, it all boils down to paying homage to our African forefathers who endured unimaginable pain and sacrifice during their 300 plus years of bondage in the Americas. As much as I have labored over the inability of many Blacks to overcome, if not compartmentalize, the victimization mindset that has made us spiritually and/or economically impotent post segregation, one should never forget our African origins.
There has always been a great deal of controversy aimed at those who identify as a "hyphenated" American. During the mid 19th through early 20th century, a fair share of public disdain was levied against White ethnics who chose to merge their native ancestry with a new American identity. But currently, in my estimation, those who maintain their European ancestry seem to receive very little vitriol when compared to their African and Hispanic counterparts. Why is there a governor imposed on Black self-description in this day and age? Is it really about overbearing political correctness? Let's hear from our readers on this....can one be African, African-American and Black? What say you?
As the title clearly states, our Afronerd Radio broadcast will be preempted due to tonight's airing of the Superbowl, however I think it's imperative to reflect on seminal periods within the African Diaspora especially since we are in the throws of Black History Month. I readily admit that among some friends and colleagues I have been playfully chided for often exclaiming that there is still hope for Black folk and by extension Black popular culture. Despite the critique I have received (and it hasn't stopped...) for promulgating measured Black Conservatism (in addition to trumpeting the need for an alternative pop cultural counterbalance), it is an increasingly difficult endeavor to fault those who have a wary if not dystopic viewpoint of the future of Black culture. The elephant in the room, of course, is that our country is currently being presided by a man of color. Unfortunately, if you listen to some right wing pundits, the Obama administration might just have something in common with a fictional government depicted within an Aldous Huxley novel-but I digress.
Since this is BHM, I do find myself reflective on where African Americans are currently as well as what life was like post slavery. One question arises-have we actually learned anything from certain historical events that not only showed Black excellence but also the societal campaigns that sought to extinguish that selfsame genius? One such period in time centers around what has commonly been referred to as The Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 or The Wilmington Riots. To the consternation of many Black progressives and intellectuals, the term "pogrom" (and perhaps to a greater extent "holocaust") has often been used to describe historically targeted violence enacted against Jews and other Eastern European ethnics. But history bears witness to a number of racially motivated violent campaigns specific to people of color that certainly can be defined as a pogrom....case in point, the post Reconstruction riots in Wilmington, N.C..
Despite the tragedy of the riots, in which innumerable Black folk lost their lives, it was also a testament to the extent White supremacists will go to impede Black progress and autonomy. Much like the riots that occurred decades later (1921) in the Black business district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, what transpired in Wilmington essentially was the stomping out of the state's Black republican power structure by the White Supremacists that comprised the Democratic Party during this time in our nation's history. But what was it specifically about Wilmington that caused this rage and usurping of power from its Black citizenry? The simple answer is Wilmington was a majority African-American city with a burgeoning Black middle and professional class who also possessed a cross-racial Republican political power base as its backdrop. For your further edification, check out this excerpt from an article summarizing the PBS documentary, The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow:
Courtesy of PBS.org-
In 1898, Wilmington, North Carolina, located in eastern Carolina, where the Cape Fear River enters into the Atlantic Ocean, was a prosperous port town. Almost two-thirds of its population was black, with a small but significant middle class. Black businessmen dominated the restaurant and barbershop trade and owned tailor shops and drug stores. Many black people held jobs as firemen, policemen and civil servants. A good feeling between the races existed as long as white Democrats controlled the state politically. But when a coalition of predominately white Populists and black Republicans defeated the Democrats in 1896, and won political control of the state, Democrats vowed revenge in 1898. For many Democrats, black
Prior to the riot, almost two-thirds of Willmington's population was black, with a small but significant middle-class. Headline: A Day of Blood at Wilmington
political power, no matter how limited, was intolerable. Daniel Schenck, a party leader, warned, "It will be the meanest, vilest, dirtiest campaign since 1876. The slogan of the Democratic Party from the mountains to the sea will be but one word ... Nigger." The Democrats launched their campaign by appealing
to the deepest fear of whites -- that white women were in danger from black males. The white newspaper in Wilmington published an inflammatory speech given by Rebecca Felton, a Georgia feminist a year earlier: "If it requires lynching to protect woman's dearest possession from ravening, drunken human beasts, then I say lynch a thousand negroes a week ... if it is necessary." The article infuriated Alex Manly, a Wilmington African-American newspaper editor. He replied by writing an editorial sarcastically noting that many of these so-called lynchings for rapes were cover-ups for the discovery of consensual interracial sexual relations.
To keep my diatribe simple, African-Americans come from a proud enterprising and politically conservative (god forbid!) stock. We have overcome some insurmountable travails where once we were in slave quarters to now the White House....let's start acting like we've been here before. Perhaps a dramatic piece encapsulating this tragedy would be more apropos than an Oscar nomination for the film, Precious-I'm just sayin'. For more on the Wilmington riots, click on the links below:
As if you didn't know.....The Comic Shoppe team returns tonight for another informative and fascinating pulp filled broadcast. Join Max, Daryll and yours truly as we discuss the following topics: our thoughts pertaining to the mid season return of many our favorite (and not so favorite) sci-fi/fantasy shows-Heroes, Chuck, Fringe and Smallville; last week's highlights in graphic novel/comic book runs; my thoughts on Avatar as it reaches the 2 billion in ticket sales mark; DC releases Milestone Forever;a new direction (toward a future war) for the Sgt. Rock movie and more comic related news courtesy of the Shoppe's own Daryll B. Feel free to stop and call our live show at-646-200-0104 or via email-thecomicshoppe@yahoo.com. And remember make yours The Comic Shoppe! And while you wait for the show, check out this latest piece from Daryll B:
Hi faithful Afronerd readers! It is I Daryll B. with some quick hits in and around the Fantasy world for you:
As stated on last week's show, I can not recommend the animated Black Panther series enough. Reginald Hudlin does out-do himself by actually IMPROVING upon the graphic novel source material in my opinion. There are not many things you can say that do that.
I saw Legion over the weekend and I have to say the movie was pretty uneven to me. I think that after reading stuff like the current Ghost Rider run, Preacher, Crimson, and even the Grant Morrison "fallen angel" arc; the whole traitorous angel / preventing the second coming / hell on earth scenario has gotten to be like zombies and emo-glittering vampires to me.
On a related note, have Dennis Quaid found a sci-fi rebirth or what? GI Joe, Pandorum and now Legion....
We will go over this one soon but Planet Hulk was great. A perfect follow-up to last year's Hulk Vs. and in its own way a set up to a Hulk movie series.
On a friend's recommendation I picked up a couple of the Marvel Knights 4 series focusing on the Fantastic Four. I'll admit I totally underrated this series. The first trade with Roberto Aguirre-Sarcasa writing and (the little known back then) Steve McNiven on art captures the team's voices perfectly. I rank it in my top ten Fantastic Four stories alongside the Waid-Wieringo and Lee-Kirby stories definitely.
I know Dan Jurgens is moving on to other things for awhile but I will miss his Booster Gold when he leaves in April. That being said, I don't mean to slight Keith Giffen's abilities. I'm sure he'll have fun with my fav time traveler outside of Doctor Who.
Reminder: The JSA Smallville 2-parter is this week on CW along with the season ender of Demons on BBC America. Kristin Kreuk and Brandon Routh are both on this week's Chuck and be on the lookout this week for news involving another major comic franchise's third movie. That's all I am going to tease you with today... Enjoy your week fellow readers and until next time, Keep Fantasizing!