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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In the Left vs. Right War People of Color are the Losers......

I just so happened to be haunting around the corridors of the Huffington Post when I found the above clip. The entry, entitled Fox Attacks on Black America promulgates the supposition (through clever editing) that Fox News targets the African-American community by pursuing stories that showcase folks of color in a negative light. Despite my conservative leanings, I am not going to be an apologist for some of the things that come out of the Fox news desk. However, the left have their version of employing Black misrepresentation tactics by not being objective or honest about the pathologies that are affecting people of color nationwide. By ascribing a constant victimization stamp on Black people, media on the left are not doing African-Americans any favors. And to be honest, I think in between some of the sound bites that the clip (originally provided by Foxattacks.com) shows, some degree of truth is still being spoken. The more important question that should be asked-when will an equally biting piece named BET Attacks on Black America be produced? I would hold breath in time for it's production but I do want to live to make another entry.

Huffington Post-Fox News Attacks on Black America

Fox Attacks

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