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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Afronerd Featuring Capt Kirk airs on Wednesdays, 7pm ET-Sunday Show-pt2; GOP Debates, Horror in China; Is Marriage a "White" Thing? & More!

Let's just get down to the nitty gritty, shall we? Pull up a chair and listen to the musings of Afronerd featuring Captain Kirk for Wednesday's Mid Week in Review broadcast. Tonight they will be waxing about the following issues: the GOP debates (the good, the bad and the cantankerous); video cams pick up that a 2 year old girl in China gets struck by a van and NO ONE comes to her aid (the good 'ol USA doesn't sound that bad now, does it?); a continuation of Sunday's topics (Black celebs that some want to "disown"; Occupy the Hood, MLK memorial ceremony, etc) and a Stanford professor posits the question-Is Marriage for White People? Check us out at 7pm eastern

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