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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We'll Discuss Haiti, Dr. King's Belated B-Day & Pro- White Basketball Next, but First-The Comic Shoppe & Words From Daryll B!

This really must be my last promissory note to our supporters and Afronerd Radio listeners to get our blog back to some degree of consistency. Let's start things off by reaffirming tomorrow's Comic Shoppe broadcast! Join Daryll, Max and yours truly as we banter about all things pulp. Tomorrow at 7pm (ET) we'll chop it up about the following topics: Why Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes provided a better insight into what the Dark Knight missed; an article posits why some heroes endure and others fall by the way side; Spiderman (or the lack thereof) movie news; our thoughts on Fox's Human Target (and whether actor, Mark Valley would make a good Captain America); our impressions of Marvel's and DC's latest even storylines-Siege, Blackest Night, Brightest Day and of course our favorite graphic novel reads from the previous weeks. Stop by or better yet, call in (at 646-200-0104) with your comments and questions at: http://www.thecomicshoppe.com. Next...check out the latest words of comic wisdom from Daryll B:

Hi once again Afronerd visitors and today I am going to pay tribute to one of the greatest science fiction runs ever that has recently come to an end: David Tennant's time as Doctor Who. As the Doctor, Tennant was just a bundle of energy who showed his acting range from episode to episode. Joy, pain, anger, happiness, love, sorrow, fear, and comedy were all displayed expertly by the actor from show to show as the Doctor faced varied threats to the universe. I admit to one thing while watching the end run marathon last week: I took this show for granted as far as dramatics. Seeing the episodes back to back to back, you can see how Russell T. Davies and the team behind Doctor Who set up the foundations for this story 2-3 years ahead of time, giving fans the ultimate payoff and satisfaction at the end. Sure there are things left hanging like River Song and Jenny (I won't even try to explain those here), but most of the dangling storypoints were tied up sufficiently and expertly. Thank you Mr. Tennant and I wish you well in your future roles.

Recommended episodes for any science fiction fan: 2-part finale Season 2 Army of Ghosts and Doomsday, all of season 3 (you'll see why..prep lots of popcorn and when you watch Blink for goshsakes DON'T do it in the dark or by any statues....trust me) and in season 4, it is the same as season 3 but you will love Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead before the final 9 episodes which are a continuity nerd's dream when watched in order. You will not regret this....

Quick Hits

-I think I found my Buffy substitute in Demons on BBC America. If you got the channel, I urge you to check it out.

-Daybreakers is very gory and melodramatic. If you got a kid interested in vampires through "Twilight", I would suggest a little caution before taking them with you to see this. DEFINITELY not Twilight here folks...trust me..(am I getting repetitive on this or what?)

-Just when I was getting burning out by big events, Suicide Squad and Avengers The Initiative pull me back in....Grrrrr

-DC just scored a coup by singing David Finch to an artist exclusive contract. His art was the only good thing with Ultimatum and I can see fanboys drooling now to the thought of him drawing Batman, Wonder Woman or Superman. Personally, I want to see him draw a big action team book like JLA or JSA.

Until the next time Sci-Fi fans, keep fantasizing.

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