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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Slavery in the Big Apple......Who would've guessed?....NOT

I did something recently in typical cp (acronym for colored people for the uninitiated) fashion. I attended the Slavery in New York exhibit held at the New York Historical Society...on the last day. But this was a definite case of "better late than never." The exhibit, which lasted from October 05' through last Sunday, was not only educational but also an eye-opener as it relates to how entrenched the institution of Slavery was in New York. I was always aware that Slavery existed in the North but I also had the impression that it lasted briefly due to the northern region's culturally elitist attitudes. Two centuries does not a brief spell make. New York in particular was one of the major US ports in the transatlantic slave trade. The two photos above are of course from Sunday's exhibit. I believe that this is just the first of a two-part exhibition, so if you reside in the NY tri-state area, make a concerted effort to see the second part. For more information, check out the link below:

  • http://www.slaveryinnewyork.org/about_exhibit.htm

  • P.S. Celebrities were afoot at Slavery in New York....I met famed entertainment attorney, Londell McMillan at the exhibit. As a side note, Mr. McMillan was responsible for extricating (or emancipating) a "slave" of a funkier persuasion from a contract dispute with Warner Bros....Prince.

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