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Monday, December 15, 2008

Newsflash! Barack Obama is a Black Man! Not Sure? Ask His Secret Service Agents!

I was reluctant to discuss a recent AP piece that put forth the notion that some Obama detractors feel that Obama is not really a Black person because of his bi-racial parentage. Mind you, this is an affront to the President-elect's own admittance and identification with Blackness. Isn't it amazing that this Black authenticity question has only come up when the Oval Office is at stake? Phenotype, lineage, the African-American experience, culture and life do not appear to matter in this instance. Since the inception of the transatlantic slave trade approx. 4 centuries ago, the White power structure has made it very clear as to who was Black-but now when a man of color has ascended to the White House, Blackness must be expunged at all cost. All I can say in response is-good luck. It's too late, the president is Black...so deal with it. Alicia Keys also comes from a bi-racial union-she rightfully acknowledges her mother but she is also comfortable in her Black culture. But, I forgot....she's just a singer. Let's get to more important matters such as the two wars, the economy and Chicago's political machine. Here's the AP article in question:

Obama's true colors: Black, white ... or neither?

Oh and on a different note, check out this excerpt from Stanley Crouch concerning what the Republican Party must do if they are to forge ahead. I also relayed a similar opinion on this matter a few entries ago, hopefully my fellow conservatives and GOP hierarchy will get and spread the message:

Last week we learned that Joe the supposed plumber was appalled by John McCain, who made him feel "dirty." Joe was very, very impressed by Sarah Palin, however, whose sincerity he thinks makes her the real deal. That is what is wrong with the Republicans at this very moment, the idea that feelings are more important than facts.

Since Palin is too young and energetic to be suffering memory loss at this point in her life, the only explanation for not knowing the specifics of the vice president's job is the kind of contempt for knowledge that the Alaskan governor would never accept from a fellow lover of the hunt who didn't know the difference between a moose and a cow.

That would be as outrageous as the bottom half of a presidential ticket not having exact comprehension of what is done by the vice president.

This is a serious indication of something else. For too long the Republican brain has been placed on the dry ice of fear and smear tactics, pontifications and divisive attitudes based in separating the wheat of the good, common and unsophisticated people from the chaff of elite intellectuals who lived not in small towns but in big cities.

Colin Powell's reputation as a sober and honest man of near nobility was almost mortally gored by the bad intelligence that allowed him to tear a gaping hole in his pants before the entire world while arguing for the invasion of Iraq. When he resigned from his position as secretary of state, the general simmered for a while just outside of the limelight that equalizes all, from President to fashion model. But when he spoke and gave his support to the Barack Obama ticket, it came with a calm determination but pointed assessment of the Republican Party that he reiterated just last week.

Click on the link below for more:

Now is a good time for the brain to make a comeback

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